Excellent Quality International Tailor always do a new innovation in everything , which connect with every kind of costume to make customer satisfied, Quality and Satisfaction for customer is our priority. We use Italian pattern and cutting which is can give more comfortable and fit to who it may use our brand. Excellent Quality International Tailor also supported with team work that capable and professional to give service and satisfaction for the customer.


                WORKING DAYS               TIME / OPEN

               Monday                         08.00 AM  -  18.00 PM
               Tuesday                        08.00 AM  -  18.00 PM
               Wednesday                  08.00 AM  -  18.00 PM
               Thursday                     08.00 AM  -  18.00 PM
               Friday                          08.00 AM  -  18.00 PM
               Saturday                     08.00 AM  -  18.00 PM
               Sunday                                         Off 